I have very mixed feelings about you turning 1 month old. On one hand it seems like I was just extremely pregnant and gave birth to you. But on the other hand I feel like the first month had enough challenges that at times I thought we'd never survive. Obviously we survived and you are both thriving and doing wonderful!!
The first week of you two being home it was actually pretty easy. I even jokingly told Daddy I definitely want to have another baby because this is pretty easy. You both just pretty much slept all day when you weren't eating. Well, come the next few weeks and I think we have our perfect little family of 5! I'm pretty sure I am done having kids at this point. You are both usually happy during the day but at night you seem to have a few hour period where you just cry and cry and nothing we do can soothe you. They call this the "Purple period". Whatever this is, I am ready for it to be over!
I am exclusively breastfeeding and pumping which has proven to be much more challenging than I ever thought it would be. Nursing Brennen was pretty much a breeze, but nursing two babies is two full time jobs! Most days I love it, but I have definitely had days where I question if I can continue and make it work. Luckily on those days I have been able to pump and have other people feed you bottles.
Your big brother Brennen just can't get enough of you two! He loves to kiss you and talk to you and hates it when you cry. He is such a big helper and is always trying to take care of you!
Lyla Deeann
Weight: 9 lbs
Height: 21 inches
Diapers: Newborn
Clothes: Newborn
You are our little diva girl! You are usually extremely needy and love to be held and constantly want to be fed by Mommy.
You are a great nurser and make the most adorable moaning sounds while you eat. Although you seem to be comfort nursing a lot and that can make Mommy crazy, I really enjoy the special time with you! You don't take a bottle all that well but if you are hungry enough you will take a little. You also do not take a pacifier. You are constantly wanting to suck so wanting to use Mommy as a pacifier has contributed to my hard time with nursing.
We found out at your 1 month check up that the doctor thinks you might have some silent reflux. This is why you are constantly wanting to nurse to soothe yourself but when you eat and have a hard time burping you just cry and fuss. It is a vicious cycle that is a very hard situation to deal with. For a mother, I feel like I should be able to make you happy and know how to make you feel better so not being able to do that is very hard for me.
Beckett Alan
Weight: 9 lbs 14 oz
Height: 21 inches
Diapers: Newborn
Clothes: Newborn
You are our easy going little guy.
You nurse like a champ and take a bottle like a champ too! You sleep every time we go anywhere and are usually just happy and content to sit in the bouncy seat by yourself. You will even take a bottle just propped up in your car seat while we are out and about which is amazing!
You hate having your diaper changed and usually scream the whole time. You also had some signs of the silent reflux so we started giving you the medicine as well and that seemed to help you.
We are so blessed and happy to have our beautiful family of 5 and can't wait to watch you grow and change! I love you both more than you will ever know!
Glad you shared this! I was wondering how you were doing, sounds like you're a champ :)