Three of Us

Three of Us

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Little Man

Trying to keep up with a 2 and a half year old is hard work! He is constantly testing our patience but when he is being his adorable, sweet little self he can do no wrong with us.  It just amazes me how he can flip from cute and calm to crazy and rambunctious in a matter of seconds!

Ryan walked by me while I was folding some laundry and patted me on the bum.  B happened to be following him and so he patted me on the bum as he walked by too.  Ryan and I both busted out laughing.  Brennen is definitely Daddy's little mini me and follows him around quite often these days.  Brennen thought he was so funny since we started laughing so we had to explain to him that wasn't really appropriate and only to do that to Mommy & Daddy. We'll see how soon he does this to someone else and we are both horrified :)


When Ryan and I kiss each other these days if we kiss more than once Brennen will say "too many kisses, too many kisses".  It cracks us up, but isn't it too early for him to be embarrassed of us kissing?!?

Brennen has become very observant and opinionated in the past few weeks. He always wants to know what you are doing or where we are going and is constantly asking questions. I love how much he is learning and seeing experiences through his eyes.

Brennen will call me his "little thing".  He'll say "come here you little thing".  Most recently if he's looking for me he will say "where's that little mommy with two babies in her tummy?". Cutest thing ever!  He always wants to kiss my belly or will come over and just rub my tummy and say "I love the babies"!

He went to the doctor on Oct 23rd and weighs 26 pounds (25%) and is 35.5 inches (30%) tall. He did great at the doctor although he was very unsure at first what he was going to have to do.  He ended up getting the flue vaccine that they shoot up your nose. He cried for about 2 seconds then got a sucker and the world was right once again!

Brennen has picked up on some new dance moves recently and his newest one he calls "the wiggle".  He puts his hands either in his pockets or on this waistband and shakes his little booty.  It's the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Brennen has an iron clad memory.  He will remember pretty much anything you tell him and even things you don't want him to remember.  There have been multiple occasions when I say something I shouldn't and days later he will say it knowing he's not supposed to.  Like when the dogs bark I will say "shut up Kaiser and Jaxon" then he will say it too. I tell him oops we aren't supposed to say that but when they bark he will say it again and laugh then say "I mean be quiet Kaiser and Jaxon".  So he knows what he's supposed to say but thinks he's so funny if he says what he's not supposed to! 

He is so much fun right now when he isn't testing our patience and seeing what he can get away with :)  He definitely makes us all laugh everyday and is always capable of putting you in a good mood no matter what's going on.  I especially can't wait for him to become a big brother next year! 

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