Three of Us

Three of Us

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Little Man

I am continuing with my posts about Brennen and some of the fun and silly things a 2-year-old says and does. If you missed my first post, you can find it here.  He really keeps us quite entertained these days and I know I am going to love looking back on these someday!

Around the 15th of July Brennen really started talking like such a big boy.  His words are so clear and he talks in sentences like it's no big deal.  He catches onto some of the funniest phrases and it amazes me that he knows how to use them in the correct context. We have been told may times by strangers that you talk really well for a 2-year-old!

Ryan bought B some golf clubs just his size and he absolutely LOVES to play!  He always wants to go outside and hit golf balls or putt around in the house.  He is actually getting really good!

We went to dinner for my Mom's birthday and then we all headed back to our house for cake. B rode with my parents and they said on the way home he was asking about Mommy & Daddy, Uncle Dustin & Meg and Uncle Chris & Sarah.  We all drove separately so my mom was explaining to him that we were all in our own cars but were going to meet them at our house.  All of a sudden Brennen said "well that's going to be so much fun"! 

Brennen now sings along with his toddler tunes and it is the cutest thing.  It sounds more like he is screaming, but I think it's the cutest singing voice ever! We were listening to Old McDonald Had a Farm in the car the other day on the way to my parent's house.  After each animal Brennen would say "Mommy, you like ducks"? I would say "Yes, I like ducks. Do you like ducks?" and he would get really excited and say "yeah, I do".  He continued to do this for each animal the song went through.

One of the new phrases he has picked up on is when we asked him to do something he will say "okay, fine, perfect" in an annoyed voice. He has such a little attitude these days and it is so funny because we have no idea where he picked this up!

He is really pushing his limits these days and doesn't like to listen at all.  I know this is his way of figuring out what he can and can't get away with, but I am definitely ready for this phase to pass.  He is so smart and thinks he is so funny when he doesn't listen.  It can be quite challenging tyring to make him understand what he needs to be doing.

At bedtime he loves us to tickle him and do "X marks the spot" then we have to sing the ABC's or he can't go to sleep. He usually always asks for a drink before we leave too. He is getting very good at stalling on the bedtime! I still use a video monitor and one night it came unplugged and died and I woke up to Brennen screaming at the top of his lungs. He had either had a bad dream or he had been calling for me and I couldn't hear him. We went through a rough patch of him not wanting to sleep in his own bed because he was scared but now I just have to spend a little more time singing and tickling him while he starts to fall asleep.  I also usually always say "goodnight, baby". And now anytime I say that B will say "I'm not a baby". So I've had to change it to "goodnight, my big boy"!

He has become obsessed with playing the game Temple Run on our iPhones. He is actually really good at it which amazes me.

Brennen is such a polite little boy!  He has picked up on saying please and thank you and I rarely have to tell him to say it anymore.  He knows to do it all on his own and it makes me such a proud mama!

We are enjoying this stage so much and just can't get enough of our big boy!  He brings so much joy and love into our lives and I look forward to watching him grow and change everyday!   

1 comment:

  1. Ahh he is just too much. He's so cute and I can't believe how old he seems already. Definitely a little smartie on your hands! :)
