Three of Us

Three of Us

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

Celebrating my third Mother’s Day this year, my appreciation for my mom has grown so much and I respect what an amazing job she did raising my brothers and I.  You never fully understand the job of a mother until you experience it for yourself.   So many people told me this before I had Brennen and now I understand the truth in it.

1984 - Pregnant with me
My mom lost her own mother when she was 7 years old. She didn't have a mom to learn from, but all the motherly qualities come so natural to her that it always amazes me.  Many people have said my mom is so much like my Grandma and I just wish I could have had the pleasure of meeting her.

1992 - Florida vacation
Christmas 1996
My mom is my best friend and the most caring, loving and incredible person I know.   She is always giving to others and never expects anything in return.  She has taught me so much and I strive everyday to be more like her.

Florida trip in 2004.
We took a cruise by ourselves on our visit to Florida in 2006.
She is not only the most amazing mom to me, but she is the best Grandma to Brennen.  It makes me so happy to see how wonderful she treats my baby and I know he will learn so much from her!  We are so blessed to have her help and there aren’t words to express how much I appreciate her. 

I love you so much Mom! 
Not only do I have an amazing mom of my own, I have the best mother-in-law as well.  I am so lucky to love the family that I married into.  They welcomed me with open arms from the beginning and our relationship has only grown stronger and closer over the past 12 years.  She raised an amazing son and I thank her for that.  She is always there for us no matter what we need and I want her to know how much I appreciate and love her!

2012 Mother's Day with Ryan & Sarah
I love being surrounded by such wonderful women and I am thankful for them making me the person and mother I am today.  I love you both very much!  

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)
