Three of Us

Three of Us

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Our Adventure in Potty Training

It's official...we started our adventure in potty training this weekend! 

To be completely honest, I have been putting this off for awhile and for many reasons.  First, it was his birthday party. I wanted to wait until after that was all over and that quickly came and went and we still didn't start.  Then, we decided to put our house on the market and we have been so busy with projects around the house that I never took the time to think about it.  I wasn't ready to be 100% committed and I didn't want to set B up for failure due to my lack of commitment.

I have been contemplating waiting to see what happens with the house because if we will be moving would that be the best time for this?!?! But then I realized there is NEVER going to be a good time for this.  With Summer among us there will be many weekend trips to the lake and outings that will all be good reasons for me to put it off, so I decided to just go for it!

I had absolutely nothing to do this weekend but get the house cleaned for the open house on Sunday (more on that later) so I knew we could spend most of the weekend at home.  It actually worked out perfectly and wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

We had bought big boy underwear a few weeks back and they have been all washed and ready, but Brennen kept saying he didn't like them when I would try to get him to wear them.  Finally, last weekend I was folding some laundry while Ryan was in the shower and I asked B if he wanted to put on a pair of his big boy underwear like Daddy would put on after he got out of the shower.  Well, this worked like a charm for him and he was so excited to show Daddy when he got out of the shower.  That incident is what made me realize it was probably a good time to start this journey! 

I had talked to Brennen about starting to potty like a big boy a few days leading up to the weekend and the night before. When B woke up Saturday morning, I took him to the potty first thing and had him go then put him in his big boy underwear. 

 One of the cutest things EVER!
I had read quite a few articles and blogs about potty training and didn't really stick to one method. I just used the knowledge from what I had read and did what worked for us. I took him to the potty ever 15-20 minutes.  You don't realize how quickly 15-20 minutes goes by until you have to do something in that amount of time :)  In my reading about potty training I thought this was kind of ridiculous and thought he could surely go a little longer, but sure enough the times I waited a little longer were the times he had accidents.

A big tip I could give is to never ask "Do you need to go potty?". I had read about this, but I did say it a few times throughout the day. B always said no and it made it so much harder to get him to go.  I found what worked best for us was to give him a warning about a minute or two before we were going to go.  Then, if I would just say "It's time to go potty", he was ready for it and was much more willing to go.

Amazingly, he actually did "go" ever 15-20 minutes.  You would think that they wouldn't, but sure enough almost every time was a success!

We started out using a rewards system, but by the end of Sunday he was just going without being rewarded every time.  Day 1 (Saturday), I used a sticker chart that he got to put a sticker on every time he went and he got one mini M&M.  He was really excited at first to put the stickers on, but quickly became less than excited so I just stopped doing it and he didn't seem to mind.  He would occasionally ask for a M&M on Sunday and if he did I would give him one but otherwise he was fine without it.

We have a small potty chair for him and we have a potty seat that you put on the regular toilet.  We started out using the small potty chair, but I want to get rid of it and just use the seat on the toilet.  I was thinking about once we have to leave the house he needs to be comfortable using other toilets. I don't want him to get used to the small potty chair and not be able to go when we are out or at other people's houses. Luckily, he has no problem switching from one to the other.  With our house on the market right now, not having the potty chair in our already tiny bathroom definitely makes the bathroom look a little more spacious.

So, when it was nap time Saturday I tried to put a pull-up diaper on him but he wanted nothing to do with it.  He said "no Mommy, too big" and was trying to rip it off.  So, I decided to let him sleep in his underwear and wasn't too concerned about having to wash his bedding.  He ended up sleeping for 2 hours and I just knew he would be wet, but sure enough he stayed completely dry.  I was quite amazed!

At bedtime I did put a regular diaper on him even though he didn't want to.  He was definitely "full" the next morning, so I am very glad I did.

He maybe had only 3 or 4 accidents on Day 1, so I feel like that was a pretty good start!

Day 2 went amazing!  We were home all morning until around 12:15 when we headed over to Ryan's parent's house. I put him in a diaper for the car ride just to make sure his car seat stayed clean but he kept the diaper dry. He also stayed dry for his nap again which was about an hour and a half.  He only ended up having one accident when I lost track of time in the evening and waited a little too long.  He did tell us right away that he went, so at least he is understanding.

Day proud of himself!
My mom came over Monday morning and B was still in bed when I left for work but my mom called me shortly after I got to work and told me that B had stayed dry all night long!  Such an over achiever ;)

Day 3 (Monday) went awesome too!  My mom had B and he stayed dry all day, even during his nap! He was in his big boy underwear the entire day!  We did have a #2 accident in the evening, but I know that is going to take a little more time to figure out. I just hope not too long because it was gross!

B was once again dry this morning when he woke up and was already in his big boy underwear when I left for work.  Hopefully he has another great day! 

I am so proud of how he has done so far and just hope we can keep it up!  My mom has B the rest of this week and then Ryan is off for Summer vacation so he has to pick it up next week. 

I will continue to keep you posted on our progress and hopefully will have some more tips after he is completely potty trained.  Consistency seems to be the biggest key!

Sunday night we were supposed to have some severe weather come through our area and we don't have a basement so we headed back over to Ryan's Mom & Dad's.  Brennen & Landen had a blast together and I just have to post these two pics...

In regards to our house, the open house on Sunday went pretty good. We had 3 people come through but no real prospects.  Then, we had a showing last night, but the guy didn't think it had the "wow factor".  So, we hope to get some more showings this week!

We are heading to the lake this weekend, so hopefully the change in environment won't set us back in our adventure. I am hoping for lots of sun, relaxation, a few cold beverages and dry underwear ;)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Let's Catch Up

So, last week we left Thursday to head to Western KS to visit Ryan's family because his cousin was graduating.  It was a long drive (about 6 hours) but it was a wonderful, relaxing weekend that was very much needed!  Ryan's family is always so accommodating and I love staying with them. Thanks again Russell & Michelle for an amazing visit :)

This was Brennen the first hour of the trip, so it was a great start!
Then he looked like this for awhile...such a rough life this boy has ;)
He actually did really, really well on both the trips there and back.  He got very antsy around the 4th hour in and then just kept saying "let me out, Mommy" and "I done being in car, Mommy" the last hour. But other than that he did amazing!  We were all happy to be there and get out of the car so I know how he felt!

Ryan's family lives in a very small town and being the city girl I am, I really do love getting away from everything! I always learn a lot and ask a lot of stupid questions because I know nothing about farming or anything like that. 

I stole this picture from Ryan's cousin Mallory's Instagram. This is pulling up to their property. You actually can't see their house. It is just off the left of the picture. It is so beautiful!
Daddy & B having fun on the 4-wheeler!
B played hard all day and went to bed very quickly every night!
B enjoying some of Russell's amazing pancakes. He made him a special one shaped like Mickey and with sprinkles in it!
We had such a fun trip and getting away from all the stress with the house was exactly what I needed.  And speaking of the house, it has officially been on the market  for exactly one week yesterday. We haven't had one showing, so we think we may be priced just a little too high :(  We are having an open house on Sunday and then an agent open house on Tuesday, then we will discuss lowering the price. Hopefully things will get moving soon!

This week has felt like Summer. It has been in the upper 80's or 90's most days. 

My brother sent me these pictures on Monday of Grandma spoiling Brennen!
I ended up taking off Tuesday and my mom, Chris, Brennen and I went to the zoo. It was so beautiful out and we made sure to get there right when it opened to beat the heat!

Last night we had dinner with my parents and even though this picture is pretty dark, I still love it.  It shows how much B loves his Granpda!

TGIF! I can't wait to relax this weekend. We don't have much planned, so that always makes me happy! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ryan's Birthday Weekend

I had this post done but never posted it before we left out of town last week, so I am posting it now.

The Friday of Ryan's birthday (May 3) I took a long lunch so I could meet my mom and take Brennen to surprise Ryan with lunch. We were going to dinner that night with Ryan's family so B was staying with my parents and Ryan wasn't going to see Brennen on his birthday.  We couldn't let that happen!

We went to dinner at Rudy's and had a blast! Ryan's family has been going here for as long as I've been around and we love it!

Ryan's Dad had one of the waitresses pie Ryan in the face for his birthday!
Ryan ended up not feeling very well on Saturday so we just took it easy and stayed home most of the day.

Sunday we had Crystal, Tristan & Landen over to play in the morning and Uncle Dustin and Meg stopped by to give B his gift that came in the mail! 

Landen helping Brennen open his gift!

B trying out the 4-wheeler at my parent's house!
I made BLT pizza for dinner and it was delicious!
Monday night Landon & Julia invited us over for dinner so instead of getting the house ready to be up on the market Thursday, we decided dinner with friends sounded better!

Racing Caitlin & Daddy down the hill!
Landon & Caitlin getting some curls in!
Julia's turn with B!
Since we'll be out of town this weekend Ryan & Brennen brought me home flowers for Mother's Day!
We are heading out of town for the weekend to Western KS to see some of Ryan's family.  I am so excited to get away even though it is a 6 hour drive :)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

Celebrating my third Mother’s Day this year, my appreciation for my mom has grown so much and I respect what an amazing job she did raising my brothers and I.  You never fully understand the job of a mother until you experience it for yourself.   So many people told me this before I had Brennen and now I understand the truth in it.

1984 - Pregnant with me
My mom lost her own mother when she was 7 years old. She didn't have a mom to learn from, but all the motherly qualities come so natural to her that it always amazes me.  Many people have said my mom is so much like my Grandma and I just wish I could have had the pleasure of meeting her.

1992 - Florida vacation
Christmas 1996
My mom is my best friend and the most caring, loving and incredible person I know.   She is always giving to others and never expects anything in return.  She has taught me so much and I strive everyday to be more like her.

Florida trip in 2004.
We took a cruise by ourselves on our visit to Florida in 2006.
She is not only the most amazing mom to me, but she is the best Grandma to Brennen.  It makes me so happy to see how wonderful she treats my baby and I know he will learn so much from her!  We are so blessed to have her help and there aren’t words to express how much I appreciate her. 

I love you so much Mom! 
Not only do I have an amazing mom of my own, I have the best mother-in-law as well.  I am so lucky to love the family that I married into.  They welcomed me with open arms from the beginning and our relationship has only grown stronger and closer over the past 12 years.  She raised an amazing son and I thank her for that.  She is always there for us no matter what we need and I want her to know how much I appreciate and love her!

2012 Mother's Day with Ryan & Sarah
I love being surrounded by such wonderful women and I am thankful for them making me the person and mother I am today.  I love you both very much!  

Friday, May 3, 2013


I feel like that is the word to describe our week.  Everything has been so crazy and I am trying to relax and not stress about the house, but I just can't seem to slow my mind down. All I think about lately is what needs to be done around the house, how the laundry seems to never end and all the other everyday household chores.  Then I start thinking about if we actually do sell this house and packing everything up and I get even more overwhelmed. I know I am getting ahead of myself and I need to just worry about right now, but it is so hard.  I am exhausted from doing things all day but when I get in bed all I can do is think about what still needs to be done.

Luckily, none of this seems to be bothering Brennen...he can relax for the both of us!
B opening his birthday card from my Aunt Sarah in Florida!
Ryan took off Monday and checked almost everything off of his to do list, so that was a nice start to the week!  We scheduled our roof to be replaced on Tuesday, so I took the day off. The roofers showed up around 8am and my Mom and I quickly loaded the dogs and Brennen up and headed over to Ryan's parent's house.  We let B play outside and made sure the dogs were going to do okay outside and then headed to have lunch with my Dad and brothers.  It was a nice break, but on the way home around 1pm we stopped by the house to see the progress. Most of the old roof was off, but they hadn't even started any of the new roof yet and were gone to lunch.  We had been told that they should be done around 2pm. I was hoping to be able to go get the dogs and bring them home to put B down for his nap and get ready because we were heading to the Royals game that night. 

Well, that didn't happen at all. B fell asleep right before we got back to Ryan's parent's house and when I carried him in and put him in bed he woke right up and it took us about an hour to get him to fall back asleep.

He finally fell asleep around 2:30pm so we waited until 3:45pm to wake him up and head home.  The roofers were still there and everyone was meeting at our house to head to the game. I had about 15 minutes to get myself changed and ready, pack a bag for B and get out the door, but we did it. The rest of the evening was AMAZING!  We had a blast and the weather could not have been more perfect.  It was so nice to have such a wonderful evening after such a crazy day!  

My Mom with Brennen and Shane
Happy Birthday Kevin!
Meg & Dustin

Catching a ride with Grandpa!
The weather was gorgeous through Wednesday, so at least that helped make the madness seem a little more bearable!  I ran errands all day Wednesday and we ended the day with some ice cream before the cold front came through.

Here is what it looked like when I got off work yesterday :(  It is May, right?

I think next week should be in the 70's, so we just have to get through the next few days! We are meeting with the realtor on Saturday and our house should be on the market by Tuesday!  Looking ahead to the next few weeks of having our house on the market, I am going to try to calm down and realize that what is supposed to happen will happen. Yay for the weekend!

The BIG 3-0

No, not me :) Happy Birthday to my amazing husband who turns 30 today! 

I can't believe that he is 30 and next year I will be joining him :(  I remember when 30 seemed so far away and I thought we would probably have 2 or 3 kids by now. Crazy how things change and how fast time flies!

It is hard to believe that we have been together almost half our lives...pretty crazy when you think about it that way.  We started dating in 1999!  Here we are in July of 2000...

We have come a long way and I look forward to what our lives have in store for us! 

Ryan is a wonderful husband, an amazing father and such a caring person.

I love you Ryan and hope you have a wonderful birthday and year ahead!!