Three of Us

Three of Us

Monday, April 29, 2013


I cannot believe that Wednesday is May 1st!  I guess with Brennen's birthday and the crazy last week we have had, I have completely lost track of time.  I feel like Brennen's birthday was a month ago with all that has happened since.  I realized I haven't updated the blog since then so I figured it was time to catch up!

Last Sunday after B's party, I decided it was time to clean out his old toys to make room for all his new gifts.  We had the bounce house until Monday, so my parents took B for the day while Ryan and I cleaned and organized the entire house. It was a busy, exhausting day, but it was so nice to get done!

That day we also made the decision to put our house on the market with a realtor. We just haven't had any luck For Sale by Owner and the house was now in great shape!  Well, long story short we met with a realtor on Tuesday who we absolutely LOVE and we are now in the processing of getting the house all ready to put on the market.  She said our house looked great but there were just a few things she would suggest for us to do to make it sell much quicker. 

We have known for quite awhile that we need to replace our roof, but we haven't had any problems with it, so we have put it off in order to save that money.  Well, there are already three layers on the roof and if a potential buyer tries to get insured, no insurance company with insure them. So we decided to save us the hassle of trying to get around this, and hopefully recouping the money spent in the price we sell the house for, we would go ahead and replace the roof.  Last week was spent setting up estimates and trying to get a good price.  We will hopefully be getting a new roof tomorrow if everything goes as planned! 

We were also considering painting the exterior of our house.  We have vinyl siding that is light blue and we had dark blue shutters on top of that.  We had never really paid much attention, but the realtor pointed out that this made the house look even more blue than it was.  So this past weekend we painted the shutters and the front door to see if that would be enough of a change before painting the whole house.  I think it looks much better and hopefully will be enough to get it sold!  We also have to replace our front window, which should be done on Friday. 

Other than that, I have just been trying to clear out as much as possible. Now the house just needs another good cleaning. This past weekend is really a blur to me. We went non-stop all weekend with projects around the house and by the beginning of next week hope to have the house on the market!!

Also, last Wednesday Brennen had his 2 year checkup.  Everything looked great and he jumped up to the 10th percentile for weight at 24.5 lbs and 25th percentile for height at 33.5 inches.  He had to get one last shot and now he is done until he is 5. Yay!  This shot really got to him and luckily I had Thursday off because he was up at 5:30am.  He then napped from 10am-12pm and again from 4pm-6pm when he spiked a 101 fever.  Poor baby was wiped out. Luckily, I gave him some medicine after his second nap and the fever broke and he was able to play outside and was tired and ready for bed by 9pm.  We have been so lucky that Brennen has been such a healthy boy!  It is so hard to see your baby not feeling well :(  I was so glad he was back to his normal self by Friday afternoon!

Here are a few pictures from the past week and weekend.

Grandma bought him a plasma car!
Poor boy not feeling too well after his shots :(
Daddy was painting, so B wanted to paint too
Playing with Daddy in his new toy from Auntie Kay! (This is why we need a new takes up the whole living room!)
Making cookies with his play-doh maker!
Landon taking B for a ride :)
Just watching some TV...silly boy!
I absolutely love this age.  Brennen is so much fun and makes us laugh constantly! He is so smart and amazes me with the things he says.  My current favorite is when I say "I love you" he will reply with "I love you too"!  Melts my heart everytime.  He will also just randomly give me hugs or grab my hand when we are watching TV and I can't help but smile. Those are the little things I never want to forget!!

Hopefully we will have some good news in the next few weeks and we can look forward to starting a new chapter for our family!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Welcome to Brennen's Clubhouse!

Brennen's 2nd birthday party was Saturday and it was amazing! Everything turned out great and my little man had a blast! Thank you everyone who made it to celebrate with us!

A special thank you to my wonderful parents and my brother Chris for all their help the days leading up to the party and the day of the party. It wouldn't have happened without you guys...I love you!  Also, a big thank you to my wonderful friend Crystal for taking most of the pics for me. You're the best and I am so grateful to have such great memories of this special day!  Thank you also to my wonderful husband who thinks I am crazy, but was also a huge help and can finally appreciate all the hard work (and $$$) I put into the party ;)

My brother Chris made this adorable sign!

Grandma & Grandpa
Nana & Papa
Nana & Landen

Brennen & Landen
Shane & Avery
Shane & Sheila
The "Hot Diggity Dog Bar"

Heading outside to play!


Opening his gifts!
Cake time!
I made chocolate & strawberry cupcakes and birthday popcorn!
Singing Happy Birthday! (Notice the smile...all the practice paid off!)

Mommy even got in the bounce house to play :)

The sun finally came out so we spent the whole afternoon outside!
So excited about all his lucky boy!

It was such a perfect day!  Brennen didn't fall asleep until we were driving home around 4:40pm!  He was exhausted, but I know he had so much fun.  I still can't believe he is 2 years old.  He has really grown into such an amazing boy and I look forward to each and everyday with him :)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Brennen - 24 Months - TWO Years Old

My baby is TWO years old today. I really cannot believe it.  It has been such an amazing two years. It is hard to believe how much joy, excitement, happiness and love one little person can bring into your life! I cherish everyday with my little man and I look forward to watching him grow and change!

Tomorrow is Brennen's birthday party, so we were very busy today getting everything ready.  I am really looking forward to celebrating our special boy with all our family and friends! 

Opening gifts from Mommy & Daddy!
- Grandma taught you when your birthday is and you say “April 19th”.  You know you are going to be 2 years old and that you are having a Mickey Mouse themed party.
- Your two year molars have finally come through so you have been chewing on your hands and blankets and drooling like crazy this month.
- You have not been napping very well lately. You will wake up after about an hour or hour and a half and think it is time to get up.  This has led to some meltdowns and we all hope you realize you need more sleep soon!

Excited about his basketball goal!
- Thankfully you do really well going to bed. We are trying to get you down for bed earlier since your naps keep getting shorter. You sleep great at night usually from 8:30pm-7:30am most nights.
- We celebrated Easter this month and you were so much fun! We spent time with both Mommy & Daddy’s families and you had a blast hunting for eggs and playing with your cousins!
- You are getting a little more adventurous with eating and trying new things.  I can usually convince you to at least try something new but you are very sensitive to textures.  For example, you didn’t like peeps for Easter because of the sugar coating but you love marshmallows.  You tried tacos and bacon for the first time this month and loved them!

Helping Mommy make birthday waffles
- You loved all the Easter candy and would ask to have candy for breakfast every morning. 
- You are still talking so well and almost putting complete sentences together. People are always telling us how well you talk for being so young.
- You started singing songs this month. You sing Itsy Bitsy Spider, Happy Birthday, No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, and a few others.

- You are working on learning the days of the week with Grandma and you say them all so cute!   
- You repeat almost everything we say so we have to watch what we say around you!
- You went through a stage of being very clingy to Mommy and you got very stingy with giving kisses. I’m not sure if it had to do with teething or what, but no one liked not getting their hugs and kisses from you!

Daddy surprised us with dinner at Fritz's
- We spend as much time as we can outside when the weather allows us to. You LOVE to be outside and love to play in the backyard. Your current favorite things are playing fetch with the dogs and digging in the rocks.
- I have decided to wait until after your birthday party to start potty training.  We opened your last box of diapers the other day and I told you that after they are gone, we aren’t buying anymore!  I think once we buy underwear and start a reward system you will be much more into it.
- You are in 24 month clothes, size 5 diapers, size 6/7 shoes. You go to the doctor next week for your checkup and I am anxious to see how much you weigh.  

Mommy & Daddy had such a fun day celebrating with you!  You are truely a blessing to us and we love you more than words can say! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Already Monday...

Last week was a long week and it's already Monday again. We were gone almost every night and the days seemed to drag on. I worked all 5 days (not full days of course) but that made my week seem like it lasted forever!   It made me even more grateful for my day off each week :)  The weather was pretty cold and cloudy almost all week, so I am sure that contributed to the feeling of a slow week too. 

I got off early on Friday and the sun came out, so I was able to take Brennen outside to play for a little while before Ryan got home. He asked to play outside everyday during the week, so we were finally able to enjoy a little sunshine!

We had a very enjoyable weekend and tried to take it easy since our week was so long.  Friday night we met up with our friends for an early dinner at Oklahoma Joe's and then went home and made it an early night.  When we got home that night we were telling B how his birthday party was next week and asked him who he wanted to have come to his party.  He sat down, crossed his legs and arms and was thinking about who would make the was so cute!

Saturday we had planned to head to the farmer's market, but it was only about 40 degrees so we decided to stay home and relax instead. 

Brennen & Daddy arm wrestling
Later in the day it warmed up so we met Crystal, Tristan and Landen at the park.  It was a gorgeous afternoon!

Playing in the rocks before we headed to the park

Landen decided he didn't need a nap that he almost fell asleep in the swing. Poor guy!

My little muscle man!
Sunday we spent the majority of the day working on the house. We had a call that someone might want to see it in the afternoon so my parents came over to help us finish a few things. Unfortunately, the showing fell through but I am keeping my fingers crossed something will happen eventually with our house! It was another beautiful afternoon, so Brennen and I enjoyed some more playtime outside before the rain came in.

Just relaxing!
I have a three day work week then get to celebrate my baby this weekend!  Do I have to stop calling him my baby when he turns 2!?! I sure hope not :)