Three of Us

Three of Us

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Brennen 23 Months Old

Well, I only have one more month until I can say I have a 2-year-old!  I don't know why, but that just sounds so crazy to me.  I always imagined myself with kids and knew it would be a wonderful experience, but you really don't understand until you have a child of your own.  The amount of pure joy, excitement and energy Brennen brings us and the amount of love I have for this little boy is indescribable!  He is truly an amazing boy and the biggest blessing!

I have been busy, busy planning his birthday party and I can't wait to celebrate my big boy!  His personality comes out more and more each day and makes me fall in love with him more than I ever thought possible.  

My wonderful friend Crystal took some birthday pics of Brennen in the snow, so I thought I would share them today in anticipation of his birthday!  

- You are becoming quite an ornery little boy. If I ask you to do something you don’t want to do your first response is usually “no”, which you think is just hilarious. Then, I have to get stern and make you do it. 
- You are getting your two year molars in so you have been drooling like crazy! You are also extra clumsy these days which I think is due to teething.  You fall down all the time therefore you seem to always have a bump, bruise or cut on your face/head.

- You love to play ball at Grandma & Grandpa’s house in their hallway or shoot hoops at our house.
- You had a short span of having a little bit more trouble going to bed in your big boy bed this month.  You are getting very good at making excuses to get out of bed. You want to give Daddy at least 3 or 4 hugs and kisses and you have to kiss the dogs or else you get out of bed.

- You have figured out how to open doors so we have had to put child proof handles on some of the doors.
-  You are talking so clearly these days. I always tell you to ask nicely when you want something and you will say “please mommy can I have more crackers” or whatever it is you want. It is the cutest thing ever!!

- Your latest sweet obsession is pop.  Whenever we get a pop you ask for a drink and if I tell you to take one drink, you take the longest drink possible and think you are just so funny!
- You pretend talk on your play phone and it is so sweet. You usually talk to Grandma, Grandpa & Uncle Chris. You say they are playing or cooking in the kitchen or funny things like that.

- The way you say “hello” melts my heart. You still love to talk on the phone and you are actually really good at it.
- You can do the rock chalk chant and it is the sweetest thing!  You will just randomly start singing it. The other day you were talking to Grandpa on the phone and you probably sang it about 6 times in a row.

- You are ALL boy!  You love to play in the dirt, pick up sticks, throw rocks or anything for that matter!  You love to be outside and never want to go inside, even if it is freezing out.
- You are still in 24 month clothes, you have about outgrown your size 6 shoes and I am trying to convince you everyday to be done with diapers, but you still aren’t quite ready!  You are still in size 4 during the day and 5 at night.

I can't believe you have been in our lives for two years, even though it is hard to imagine my life before you! You have such an amazing gift of making people smile and I look forward to watching you grow everyday. You are my world and I love you so very much!

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