Three of Us

Three of Us

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Brennen 22 Months Old

Well, I said I wanted to post more frequently and now I am making two posts in one day!  It took me half the day to realize B is 22 months old today!  I can't believe it. He has really turned into quite the amazing little man these past few weeks.  He is talking so much and almost in sentences.  He is so smart and really makes us so happy that there aren't even words for me to describe how wonderful he is! (Please excuse the wrinkled sheet in the background. He was being adorable after a nap one day so I snapped these pics.)

- You are such a polite little boy. You always say “thank you mama” when I do something for you and I love it!
- You are eating so much more this month. You are definitely hitting a growth spurt and want to eat all the time. Your current favorite foods are bagels, granola bars, cereal and yogurt for breakfast.  You like chicken nuggets or chicken patties, frozen peas, rice and veggies, grilled cheese or hot dogs for lunch and dinner. You are definitely more willing to try new things these days.   

- You have a huge sweet tooth just like your mama!  You love cookies, ice cream, fruit snacks, M&M’s and anything else we will give you. You also love pop!
- You love playing games on my phone. It is crazy to me how good you can find everything and play all by yourself.
- You are funny these days about getting your diaper changed so I am trying to convince you to potty train. At first, you wanted nothing to do with it. I would ask if you wanted to go in the potty and you would say “no, diaper change”. But, towards the middle of this month you started going in the potty more frequently, so hopefully you will be potty trained in the next few months!

- You get excited when you like something you are eating. You start to say “yum, yum” and  “I like it, I like it”. It is one of the cutest things ever!
- You can gallop, march and jump. You like to spin in circles sometimes out of nowhere and you are learning to do a forward roll. You are pretty close to doing it on your own without going sideways.
- You know most of your shapes and a lot of your colors.

- You love to color and write with pens or pencils. You will say your letters, or shape names while you are writing like that is what you are making. It is adorable!
- You know a lot of your ABC’s. You usually say “ABC” then skip to “H” and say the rest of the alphabet. We are working on filling in the gap!

- You are very opinionated and know what you want or don’t want.
- You love to play ball or shoot hoops on your basketball goal.  
- You are in 24 month clothes, size 6 shoe and size 4 diapers. 

We are so lucky to have such an amazing little boy like you and I cannot believe in two short months you will be 2 years old!  I love you more than I ever thought possible!

Love, Mommy

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