Three of Us

Three of Us

Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Days

I woke up yesterday morning around 7am and looked outside to find a dusting of snow on the ground.  I knew they were calling for a lot of snow, but at that point it looked as though I was off to work.  I showered and got ready and at 7:30am I was getting ready to go clean off my car. When I looked outside we had already gotten a good inch to inch and a half of snow in just 30 minutes!  I could hardly see the street out the window so at that point I called my work and decided to stay home.  

It was a great decision considering we probably got 1-2 inches of snow every hour for most of the day.  Most of the major highways were either closed or had cars stuck because the snow plows couldn't even get around and were getting stuck. The police were even told to return to their stations and only get out for emergencies because they were all getting stuck as well.  It was a crazy day and I was so happy to be home safe with my boys!  

We went out to shovel in the afternoon when there was a break in the snow.  We took Brennen out with us and gave him a bucket and a shovel.  He wasn't sure about putting all the snow gear on, but once he got out in the snow he had a blast!  He even threw a fit when we had to come inside.  

Snacking on some yummy snow!

I finally got him in while Ryan finished shoveling and we decided to make some hot chocolate for Daddy.  Brennen didn't like it at all, but I had to get a pic of him with his mini mug. Too adorable! 

Today I was supposed to get my wisdom teeth out, but they called and had to cancel my surgery because they weren't going to be able to make it into the office to see patients. I decided to stay home and spend another snow day with my boys! We headed over to Landon & Julia's house to sled and have lunch.

It looks like he's crying, but it was just so bright his eyes were watering

Action shot! 
Sledding down the street
Burying Daddy in the snow

He had so much fun but was so wore out!
We shoveled the other half of the deck and here is where the silly dogs laid! I guess they don't mind the snow.
It looks like this snow isn't going away anytime soon.  The forecast is in the 20's for the next week and they are calling for a few more inches on Sunday night. I guess we will enjoy it for now and look forward to Spring!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Brennen 22 Months Old

Well, I said I wanted to post more frequently and now I am making two posts in one day!  It took me half the day to realize B is 22 months old today!  I can't believe it. He has really turned into quite the amazing little man these past few weeks.  He is talking so much and almost in sentences.  He is so smart and really makes us so happy that there aren't even words for me to describe how wonderful he is! (Please excuse the wrinkled sheet in the background. He was being adorable after a nap one day so I snapped these pics.)

- You are such a polite little boy. You always say “thank you mama” when I do something for you and I love it!
- You are eating so much more this month. You are definitely hitting a growth spurt and want to eat all the time. Your current favorite foods are bagels, granola bars, cereal and yogurt for breakfast.  You like chicken nuggets or chicken patties, frozen peas, rice and veggies, grilled cheese or hot dogs for lunch and dinner. You are definitely more willing to try new things these days.   

- You have a huge sweet tooth just like your mama!  You love cookies, ice cream, fruit snacks, M&M’s and anything else we will give you. You also love pop!
- You love playing games on my phone. It is crazy to me how good you can find everything and play all by yourself.
- You are funny these days about getting your diaper changed so I am trying to convince you to potty train. At first, you wanted nothing to do with it. I would ask if you wanted to go in the potty and you would say “no, diaper change”. But, towards the middle of this month you started going in the potty more frequently, so hopefully you will be potty trained in the next few months!

- You get excited when you like something you are eating. You start to say “yum, yum” and  “I like it, I like it”. It is one of the cutest things ever!
- You can gallop, march and jump. You like to spin in circles sometimes out of nowhere and you are learning to do a forward roll. You are pretty close to doing it on your own without going sideways.
- You know most of your shapes and a lot of your colors.

- You love to color and write with pens or pencils. You will say your letters, or shape names while you are writing like that is what you are making. It is adorable!
- You know a lot of your ABC’s. You usually say “ABC” then skip to “H” and say the rest of the alphabet. We are working on filling in the gap!

- You are very opinionated and know what you want or don’t want.
- You love to play ball or shoot hoops on your basketball goal.  
- You are in 24 month clothes, size 6 shoe and size 4 diapers. 

We are so lucky to have such an amazing little boy like you and I cannot believe in two short months you will be 2 years old!  I love you more than I ever thought possible!

Love, Mommy

Already Tuesday

Well, I have been wanting to try to post more frequently but haven't been doing a very good job of it.  From a work standpoint I am saying "it's only Tuesday" but from a blogging perspective I am saying "it's already Tuesday"! I missed posting Friday about last week, so here is last week and this past weekend all together! 

Last week Brennen and I went over to Ryan's parents to have dinner and let B play with his cousins.  B and Landen had a blast playing together.  We are in big trouble with these two hams!

Showing me their muscles!
They both climbed into Landen's bed and started reading...too precious!
Brennen being spoiled by his Uncle Chris
B loves playing in his bed these days
Taking advantage of the nice weather

B enjoying his Valentine candy
Friday night we went to Ryan's last basketball game for his Freshman team and got to cheer them on to a victory!  Then we stayed for some of the Varsity game.  Brennen's eye was really red and swollen the whole day so he wasn't really in the mood to be in a big crowd.  Before the game even started his sty decided it was time to pop and so he kept saying "eye hurts" and I could see that there was some "goo" in his eye.  Of course I hadn't planned for this to happen while we were out so wasn't really prepared. Needless to say, we stayed for half the game then went home and put B to bed. 

This is what we looked like every time the band played!
We finally had a weekend all together that Ryan didn't have basketball practice.  His coaching season is winding down and we aren't going to know what to do when he doesn't have to go to practice or games anymore. 

Saturday morning I woke up to Brennen calling for me from his crib and by the time I rolled over and looked at the monitor, he was hanging halfway over the side of his crib and I thought he was going to jump/fall out.  He has gotten to the point of wanting to do everything by himself.  He wants to help us do EVERYTHING, and if we do something without him participating you would think it was the end of the world!  He has been trying to climb into his crib too, so we figured it was probably time to move him to a toddler bed.  We headed to Nebraska Furniture Mart to get the converter piece and decided to just go ahead and put it on.  Brennen was pretty excited about being able to climb in and out of his bed all by himself!

We were having some friends over to watch the KU game that night, so I was a little nervous about our decision, but of course our boy did great! I read him some books in the bed and did our normal goodnight routine.  He got up once, but I went in and laid with him for a few minutes and within 10 minutes he was out!  He has been doing great for both naps and bedtime! 

On Sunday we spent the whole day at home and Ryan actually said "I'm bored".  If you know us, I am usually the one to say this and he is the one always wanting to sit at home! He isn't used to not having anything to do so this made me laugh!  We ended up getting some bushes torn out in front of our house that had died from the drought we had last year and took the dogs for a walk before it got too cold. 

I told B to put his hands in his pockets if he was cold then he road like this the rest of the walk!
It was so wonderful to be able to spend so much time with my husband!  We are supposed to get some pretty bad weather here Thursday then I am getting two of my wisdom teeth out on Friday.  Looks like a very boring weekend in my future.  Have a great rest of the week!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful day filled with lots of love and sweet treats!!

I have had quite an interesting Valentine's Day so far. I had planned to take some Valentine pictures of B yesterday, but he was not in the mood at all! I did manage to get a few good pics, but didn't get to do a lot of what I had planned. The one tiny surprise I planned for Ryan was ruined when I didn't hide it before he got home last night. Brennen woke up with a very swollen eye, so we had to make a trip to the doctor already this morning. Ryan is at conferences from 8am to 8pm tonight and to top it all off, last night our bathtub drain broke so I need to find the time to go buy a new one and replace it.  Can you feel the love I am feeling?!

Fortunately, my wonderful mom surprised me this morning with an adorable homemade valentine that she made with Brennen and a box of chocolates. I have the best parents ever!!  Did I mention they are having me over for a steak and shrimp dinner tonight too?!  They really are the BEST!

Poor baby has a sty on his left eye :(


 Love my little Valentine!!