Three of Us

Three of Us

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Weekend Recap (9/14 thru 9/16)

I had Friday off last week, so my weekend started a day early!  Brennen slept in so I was able to get the house most of the way ready for the showing later in the afternoon.

Brennen enjoying a bagel before heading to Grandma & Grandpa's!
My mom had a birthday party for a few family friend's kids during the day.  It was so great to get all the kids together and be able to spend time together!

After everyone left, we headed back home to get the house ready for the showing.  It was so beautiful out that my mom and I decided to take the dogs and Brennen for a walk while my dad showed the house. 

Our other babies, Kaiser & Jaxon
Daddy met us on the walk and helped Brennen walk the dogs!
My dad called while we were on the walk saying that the lady loved our house and wanted it!  She made us an offer that was lower than what we wanted to go, so we countered and she said she was going to go to the bank this week and see about getting approved.  So if everything works out, we may sell our house!  I am trying not to get my hopes up, but I really can't help it.  We need more room ASAP!! I'll keep you updated on what happens.  Hopefully, I will have some good news later this week :)

That night we had dinner plans with our friends Andrew & Amber.  They have an adorable little girl, Emery, who is 3 weeks younger than Brennen.  Amber fixed pepper jack, green apple, bacon & avocado grilled cheese sandwiches.  They were awesome!! Amber is one of my friends who encouraged me to start a blog. She is also one of the most creative people I know!  Her blog, i thought of it second, is so much fun to read and I recommend you go check it out for yourself! 

Emery & Brennen
Brennen trying out Emery's sunglasses. I showed this picture to Emery after I took it and she let out the cutest little giggle.  She thought he looked pretty funny in her glasses!
It took Brennen quite a while to warm up to this tunnel. He had to watch Emery go through it a few times before he got the courage to do it.  Then he crawled like a maniac to get out of it as fast as he could.
Saturday Ryan had another cross county meet so my mom, my brother Chris and I decided to take Brennen out to the Louisberg Cider Mill.  It turned out to be a pretty cloudy day, so it wasn't very crowded at all.  We took a hay ride, went through the corn maze and let Brennen play.  He loved being outside! 

Sunday we had friends over to watch the Chiefs game.  There wasn't much of a game to watch, but it was nice having everyone over.  Brennen got to play with Harper again and this time I made sure to take pictures!

Holding hands :)

I told Brennen to sit next to Harper so I could take their picture, and this is what he did. Too sweet!
Ryan went to play football with all of the guys after the game, so Brennen and I headed to Antioch Park to play and walk around the pond.  He is such a fun boy!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am already looking forward to Friday at 5!


1 comment:

  1. this makes me want to go to the cider mill so bad! those pics of you 4 peeking through the hole are hilarious! so glad you guys could come over - we loved it! we'll definitely have to do it again :-)
