Three of Us

Three of Us

Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekend Wrap-up

We had a crazy weekend full of back to school shopping and a 1st birthday party!

On Saturday my cousin Shannon's little girl Avery had her 1st birthday party! 

The Birthday girl!

Brennen & Grandma

Shannon & Avery

They love each other!

Sheila, Avery, Shannon, Shelly & Carson

Cute family pic!

Brennen enjoying his party favor
It was a great party and we all had a blast!

The rest of the weekend was spent trying to get Ryan ready to go back to school on Thursday. He felt the need to wait until this weekend to go shopping (along with every kid who is going back to school)!  It was so busy everywhere we went and we weren't very successful on Saturday, but on Sunday we did manage to get some things crossed off the list!

I have a short 2-day work week and then my mom, Brennen and I are off to FLORIDA!  Can't wait to share some pics of our vacation with you all. 


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