Three of Us

Three of Us

Friday, December 5, 2014

Lyla & Beckett - 3 Months Old

Dear Lyla & Beckett:

This month has been such an enjoyable month and it makes me so happy to watch you both grow and change into two amazing babies!  This month we have been blessed with lots of smiles and cooing which is so sweet and wonderful to experience.  You both love to lay on the floor and just be talked to. You will smile and "talk" back to us and will even try to mimic us if we stick out our tongue.

By the end of the month you are both regularly sleeping 6-7 hour stretches which means I am only having to get up once in the middle of the night (usually early morning) to feed you and then you go back to sleep for a good stretch.  We have even had a few nights of 8-9 hour stretches so I couldn't be happier about how you are sleeping :) You are both still tummy sleepers.

Nursing and pumping are still going wonderfully!  You both have it down and these days usually only eat for around 10 mins. You are beginning to become a little more distracted during your feedings if there is a lot going on around us.

We took your first trip to the lake for the 4th of July so we were there when you turned 3 months. You both slept great while we were there and really enjoyed some time at Nana & Papa's house. You were so adorable in your bathing suits even though you really just dipped your feet in the pool and weren't too crazy about it. 

You are both starting to use your hands a lot more.  You will grab hair or your blanket and try to chew on it.  You are both drooling like crazy so we are wondering if you are maybe going to get teeth early like your big brother did.

Your big brother still cannot get enough of you! Every morning he is so excited to see you and has plenty of hugs and kisses to pass out. He talks to you in the sweetest voice and always tries to calm you down if you are crying.  He will say "it's okay, big brother is here".  It is one of the sweetest things and you two really love watching him and "talking" back to him.  He is actually really good at making you both happy! Sometimes he can be a little rough, but we are working on making sure he is always gentle with you.  

Lyla Deeann


Diapers: Size 1
Clothes:  Mostly 0-3 Months and some 3-6 Months

You have turned into our smiley, happy little princess.  We all just love to sit and talk to you because you are almost always in a good mood!  You still love to just lay on the floor and kick your feet and look around.

Beckett Alan


Diapers: Size 2
Clothes: 3-6 Months

You are still a little more fussy than your sister, but we are regularly getting smiles and long stretches of happy time from you too!  This makes mommy so happy as you just seem to take everything in. You still have a look of concern on your face for the most part and it just cracks me up.

Happy 3 months my sweet, sweet babies!

Love you,

Lyla & Beckett - 2 Months Old

Dear Lyla & Beckett:

This second month has just flown by for me compared to the first!  I'm sure it's because I had to go back to work the day before you turned two months :(  Daddy is now off work for the Summer so he is home to take care of you!

We started the month with some very rough nights.  Some days we were functioning on only two hours of sleep.  We are so thankful that about halfway through the month we have had more good nights than bad. You both definitely still have fussy times in the evening, but you seem to be calming down more quickly. We moved you to your own room and into separate cribs the last week in May.  You were both starting to move so much that you were almost on top of each other when we would come to get you up! I think you both like having your own space to move around in and you have both become tummy sleepers. This made me nervous at first, but you seem to sleep so much better and longer :) We had the best night of sleep with a 5 hour stretch, up for 40 minutes and then another 2.5 hour stretch. It was amazing!

Halfway through this month you two have somewhat switched roles.  Lyla has become the more relaxed and easy going baby and Beckett is the more needy one. I think this has to do with the fact that Beckett had some sort of cold or stomach bug that was making him pretty uncomfortable :(

Your big brother is still completely in love with you and loves to help us in any way he can and gives you plenty of love throughout the day! 

We are still going strong with breastfeeding and it is going so much better!  I am so happy to be able to spend this amazing time with both of you! I am pumping at work and you are both taking bottles pretty well but by the time I get home you are both definitely ready to nurse.

We got out and about a little more this month and you two attract so many people.  Everyone is always asking about if you are twins and how we do it.  You are already making people happy :) Neither of you really enjoy the car seat. It seems like every time we go anywhere at least one of you cries and wants to be held the entire time.

Lyla Deeann


Diapers: Size 1
Clothes:  0-3 Months

You seemed to turn a corner about halfway through the month.  You are more content and love to just lay on the floor and look around and coo.  It is so adorable! You started smiling more towards the end of the month and that just melts Mommy's heart :)

We bought you a different kind of bottle (Tommy Tippee) this month and you have really taken to them much better than the Dr. Brown bottles. You had a few rough days while Mommy was at work not wanting to take the bottle, but most days you did really well!  

You are starting to really look more like Mommy and that makes me very happy! I am really enjoying having a little girl to spoil and dress up!

Beckett Alan


Diapers: Size 1
Clothes: 0-3 Months (Right after you turned 1 month we had to move you to 0-3 month clothes and now some of those are even getting a little snug on you.) 

We now refer to you as our Chunky Monkey! You are a very solid boy compared to your sister.

You have become a little more fussy and not as easy going as you had been last month.  We had to take you into the doctor right before your 2 month check up because you had a lot of congestion and a really deep cough :( They said it was probably just a little stomach bug or cold and as long as you were breathing okay and didn't spike a fever it should just run its course.  That is exactly what it did and you were soon feeling much better!

Most of the time you have a very serious and concerned look on your face and love to just take everything in around you. You look just like your big brother Brennen did at this age so it will be fun to see how much you continue to look like him or grow into your own look!

I look forward to watching you both continue to grow and learn new things.

All my love!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

2 Month Pictures - Lyla & Beckett

I took Lyla & Beckett to have some pictures taken with Brooke from Bd photography and they really gave us a run for our money with trying to get some good shots.  Brooke was absolutely amazing to work with and was so patient with them!  Every time we would get them to sleep they would wake up fussing as soon as she got them in place. Luckily she was able to capture these great shots.  I can't wait for their next session with her and to have some family pictures taken too!



Lyla & Beckett - 1 Month Old

Dear Lyla & Beckett:

I have very mixed feelings about you turning 1 month old.  On one hand it seems like I was just extremely pregnant and gave birth to you. But on the other hand I feel like the first month had enough challenges that at times I thought we'd never survive. Obviously we survived and you are both thriving and doing wonderful!!

The first week of you two being home it was actually pretty easy.  I even jokingly told Daddy I definitely want to have another baby because this is pretty easy.  You both just pretty much slept all day when you weren't eating.  Well, come the next few weeks and I think we have our perfect little family of 5!  I'm pretty sure I am done having kids at this point. You are both usually happy during the day but at night you seem to have a few hour period where you just cry and cry and nothing we do can soothe you.  They call this the "Purple period". Whatever this is, I am ready for it to be over!

We started out putting you both in a crib in the room off of our bedroom but then moved you to a pack n' play at the foot of our bed.  You are in the same bed right now. You are sleeping pretty well at night but it is hard for anyone else to get much sleep. When one of you wakes up Daddy or Grandma (whoever is helping Mommy for the night) changes the diaper and I nurse then they wake up the next baby and I nurse them while they put the first one to wake up back to sleep.  This process usually ends up taking about 1-1.5 hours and by the time we get back to bed it seems like its time to do it all over again. It's pretty crazy and Mommy doesn't get much sleep but I am adjusting pretty well!  There are definitely nights that I fall asleep sitting up while nursing one of you and if I didn't have help I might just sleep right through you waking up. I fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow these days so I know I am exhausted but I just usually don't have time to realize it.

I am exclusively breastfeeding and pumping which has proven to be much more challenging than I ever thought it would be.  Nursing Brennen was pretty much a breeze, but nursing two babies is two full time jobs!  Most days I love it, but I have definitely had days where I question if I can continue and make it work. Luckily on those days I have been able to pump and have other people feed you bottles.


Your big brother Brennen just can't get enough of you two!  He loves to kiss you and talk to you and hates it when you cry.  He is such a big helper and is always trying  to take care of you!

Lyla Deeann

Weight: 9 lbs
Height: 21 inches

Diapers: Newborn
Clothes: Newborn

You are our little diva girl!  You are usually extremely needy and love to be held and constantly want to be fed by Mommy.

You are a great nurser and make the most adorable moaning sounds while you eat.  Although you seem to be comfort nursing a lot and that can make Mommy crazy, I really enjoy the special time with you!  You don't take a bottle all that well but if you are hungry enough you will take a little.  You also do not take a pacifier. You are constantly wanting to suck so wanting to use Mommy as a pacifier has contributed to my hard time with nursing.

We found out at your 1 month check up that the doctor thinks you might have some silent reflux. This is why you are constantly wanting to nurse to soothe yourself but when you eat and have a hard time burping you just cry and fuss.  It is a vicious cycle that is a very hard situation to deal with. For a mother, I feel like I should be able to make you happy and know how to make you feel better so not being able to do that is very hard for me.

Beckett Alan

Weight: 9 lbs 14 oz
Height: 21 inches

Diapers: Newborn
Clothes: Newborn

You are our easy going little guy.

You nurse like a champ and take a bottle like a champ too!  You sleep every time we go anywhere and are usually just happy and content to sit in the bouncy seat by yourself. You will even take a bottle just propped up in your car seat while we are out and about which is amazing!

You hate having your diaper changed and usually scream the whole time. You also had some signs of the silent reflux so we started giving you the medicine as well and that seemed to help you.


We are so blessed and happy to have our beautiful family of 5 and can't wait to watch you grow and change!  I love you both more than you will ever know!
