Since I was not a very good blogger during December, I figured I would catch some of the highlights in one post so we at least can look back at some of the fun we have had this month. These are all pictures from my iPhone. We had an accident with our Mac and I haven't uploaded any pictures from my good camera recently :(
Cutting down our first real Christmas tree!
We made a trip to Crown Center to visit Santa with my cousin Shannon and her kids Carson & Avery. Of course the pictures with Santa are on my good camera :(
We headed out to Longview Lake one night to see their Christmas in the Park display and Brennen loved looking at all the lights!
Christmas craft he made with Grandma and was very proud of!
Play date with Brecken!
Playing with his best pal Landen. They always have to take off their shirts to jump off the stairs. These two always crack us up!
Decorating our first gingerbread house!
Not bad!
Decorating cookies! Mommy made two for the twins :)
Train ride with Santa!
How to get Christmas shopping done with a 2 year old ;)
We had an absolutely beautiful day on the 16th and I was off so we took advantage and headed to the zoo!
We got our first snow accumulation of the season and B absolutely loved playing in it! He would have stayed outside all day if we let him :)
I am so excited to celebrate Christmas with my big boy this year! He is very excited for Santa to visit :)
I really can't believe that I am already half way through this pregnancy! And really I am probably further along than that because my doctor has already told me I will probably not go past 38 weeks. It seems so crazy to me that we are that close to meeting these babies and bringing them home.
This week was a very exciting week! We had an appointment with my doctor on Monday Dec 9th and I asked my nurse if she thought the doctor would be able to tell us the sex of the babies from the small ultrasound machine that she uses in the room every time we have an appointment. She said she didn't think so, but we could have an anatomy ultrasound done if we wanted to pay for it. I asked when we could do it and she checked and said right then. You see, we aren't supposed to have our "big" ultrasound until Dec 23rd. I just couldn't wait 2 more weeks to find out. I had to know and since the opportunity came up, we just couldn't turn it down!
I was so nervous going into the ultrasound. I hadn't quite prepared myself to find out on this day. I knew it was a possibility, but never really thought too much about it. I just know I had been preparing myself for two boys and Ryan has been preparing himself for two girls :)
The tech started with Baby A but the legs were closed and she couldn't get a good look, so she moved onto Baby B. I couldn't tell what we were looking at and when I finally asked if that was the top of the head, she was starting to type something and on the screen said "OH BOY!". It was actually the little bottom and "package" of our son :) The picture below is the second one she got which was much clearer and with the leg in there is much easier to see!
So on she went over to Baby A. I said that it must be a girl because she was being stubborn and not opening her legs! Well, luckily it didn't take too long and I spotted the legs and 3 lines and said "isn't that 3 lines and doesn't that mean a girl"?!? The tech confirmed that yes indeed the 3 lines were her "lady parts" and we were in fact having a daughter :) We were both so excited!!
The picture above kind of freaks me out, but that is Baby A or little girl's face. She couldn't get a picture of Baby B because he was moving around like crazy! It was so much fun getting to see them again and I still can't wait for our ultrasound on the 23rd to get more pictures and see them again!
We told our families the night we found out. We decided to buy little KU shirts for the babies and have Brennen open them in front of our parents. It was pretty cute and they were all very excited!
I have really felt pretty good this week. Besides some heartburn and a sore back when I sit too long, I really can't complain!
I really wanted to document this pregnancy on the blog, so I am starting a little later than I wanted but I guess better late than never! I will recap the first 19 weeks and then hopefully be able to keep up with a weekly post starting at 20 weeks.
4 weeks
I found out I was pregnant on August 22 at exactly 4 weeks to the day. I just had a crazy feeling that I was going to get a positive test even though I had been really sick for most of the month. I went and bought a test one day after work and took it as soon as I got home. Sure enough it only took a few seconds for the line to appear but I walked away pretending like I was imagining things and went back in to check in 2 minutes. Sure enough there was a very clear line! I was pretty much in shock. I had a feeling I was going to get that result but it was still crazy to realize I was pregnant. I was heading over to my mom's to get Brennen so I had to keep the secret to myself until I got home that night and could tell Ryan. He was shocked too and we really didn't say much the rest of the night.
That weekend we had planned to go to the lake with our friends Landon & Julia so we were worried about me not being able to drink and being on the boat. We hadn't told our families yet so we still wanted to keep the news to ourselves. We found out a few weeks later that Julia was also expecting and didn't want to tell us yet so both of us didn't drink and it worked out great. It was pretty funny looking back!
5-7 weeks
We shared the news with our families when I was 5 weeks along. I am horrible at keeping secrets so I just had to tell them! My mom actually ended up finding out early but here was how we told the rest of the family...
I was pretty sick these three weeks with lots of reflux and just being exhausted. I had been getting over a cold and my cough would not go away and it constantly made me about gag and get sick so that was no fun at all! I constantly had to eat during the day or else I felt very sick but nothing ever sounded very good. I snacked on a lot of plain crackers during this time.
8 weeks
While I was 8 weeks pregnant we got an offer on our house and found out we would be moving in 5 weeks. It was very overwhelming
9 weeks
I was scheduled to have my first doctors appointment on Thursday, September 26, 2013. So I was exactly 9 weeks on this day. When we walked into the office they told us that my doctor had just been called out of the office for a delivery so we could do my blood work and paper work and hopefully she'd be back. Well, we ended up having to reschedule for Monday, September 30th at 2:30. I got a call on Monday around 2:00 that my doctor had once again been called out of the office and wouldn't be able to see me until 4pm. Let me tell you I was getting quite anxious to see the doctor and have my ultrasound. So we finally get there at 4pm and get right back to see the doctor. She chatted for a minute and we got right to the ultrasound!
"OhMyGod is that 2?" were the first words out of my mouth when this picture came up. Yes, that is in fact two babies...We are having TWINS!!
Our families and friends could not believe the news when we told them. We are so excited but still so in shock. It will take awhile for the news to really settle in.
10-11 weeks
Weeks 10 and 11 were pretty much a blur! Between packing, moving, getting a storage unit, building a fence and all the other things I had to do I know I wasn't feeling that great but I had to keep busy to get the house packed up and ready for our move.
12-13 weeks
We closed on our house October 21 and moved in with my parents. The move was actually very smooth for everyone and I know I will love having the extra help with Brennen! We went back to the doctor on October 29 and got to see the babies once again.
It is so amazing to me how much they are already developed and look like, well...babies! I still can't wrap my head around the fact that there are 2 in there, but I guess eventually I will be able to!
14-15 weeks
There seemed to be a switch that went off right between 14 and 15 weeks. During the 14th week I had quite a few really rough days where I just felt horrible and got sick. Then, I woke up Saturday morning and felt amazing! I have luckily continued to feel pretty good most days since then. I still have a little nauseousness in the morning, but the reflux and headaches have been much better! I only hope this pattern will stick around for awhile :)
My belly has definitely really popped out these last two weeks. I can no longer hide the fact that I'm pregnant! I am also pretty sure I have started feeling little movements this last week. They first started out as just little flutters, but I know now that it's the little ones moving around in there. I mostly feel them during the day while I'm sitting at my desk at work. I just love it and can't wait for Ryan and Brennen especially to be able to feel them too!
16-19 weeks
I know they say you usually show much quicker with your second pregnancy, but holy moly I am growing very quickly this time! My mom keeps telling me I'm going to be huge and not be able to do anything, but I didn't believe her until this last week. It's already getting harder and harder to get around. If I do too much my feet and body ache at the end of the day and I am constantly in the bathroom. Every time I stand up I feel like I must rush to the bathroom.
On December 4th I finally felt the babies move from the outside! I don't know what was going on in there, but all day they were moving around like crazy. Maybe they were fighting or something :) And Ryan felt a tiny movement on December 7th. Before we got out of bed that morning I made him lay there for awhile until he felt a tiny movement!
Although this pregnancy has been quite a bit harder than Brennen's, I still feel like I have been pretty lucky with how easy it has been!