Three of Us

Three of Us

Monday, January 28, 2013

Relaxing Weekend Recap

We had a very boring weekend, but that is every one in awhile my favorite kind!  I am usually one who likes to go, go, go all weekend and Ryan wants to just stay home, but this weekend I was very happy to just hang out and not do much of anything.

My dad sent me this Friday afternoon and I couldn't wait to get off work to go see my boy!

Friday night Ryan had a basketball game so I went to my parent's house to have dinner and pick up B. He is hitting a growth spurt and wants to eat everything lately.  

Quite an interesting combo he had on Friday night
Saturday we stayed home pretty much all day and then watched the KU game. 

Daddy trying to teach B how to throw up the 3 goggles!
Brennen enjoyed some popcorn while Mommy enjoyed some wine!
Practice during halftime!
We went to Ryan's Auntie Kay's for dinner Saturday night and it was awesome! 

Sunday we stayed home and in our jammies all day except for Ryan because he had practice for a few hours. It was so nice to have a day to do pretty much nothing but spend time with the family!

Today is in the 70's and I wish so bad I had the day off instead of sitting in this sauna they call an office! My mom sent me these pics of B. At least they are getting to enjoy the beautiful weather!

He's already a pro at frisbee ;)
Here's to another wonderful week that flies by!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Weekend Recap

Ryan had a basketball tournament in Coffeyville this past weekend. He left Thursday morning and got back around 1:00am on Sunday morning. Brennen and I spent lots of time with my parents and did some shopping with my mom for B's birthday party. (I know it is still 3 months away, but it is never too early to prepare, right?!)

Friday night we took it easy and just did some shopping and then headed home. 

Brennen getting all clean!

Saturday we did more shopping, then it was really nice so we took a trip to the park to let B play and to take some pictures.

Sunday was spent mostly at home enjoying some family time.  Then our friends Landon & Julia came over that night for dinner and to watch some football.  We ended up teaching Julia how to play spades, and before we knew it, it was 2:00am!  We all had Monday off so it wasn't too bad, but B was up at 7 so I was pretty tired!

Monday we went to lunch at Oklahoma Joe's and did some running around and just spent time at home together.  It was nice to have an extra day off since Ryan was gone for 3 days.

My handsome little man and the Z man at Okie Joe' yummy!
I'm hoping the next two days go by quickly! I'm not used to working 4 days in a row and Brennen has been telling me not to go to work the past two mornings :(

Hurry up weekend!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Brennen 21 Months Old

I feel like this month has been a big month of change for Brennen. He seems so much older and is understanding everything.  As long as we explain things to him, he is usually very well behaved and happy!  He is such a smart boy and he blows us away with the things he remembers.  I can't believe in 3 short months he will be 2 years old!! Crazy how time flies! I am just trying to take in every second of him and remember all the small things.

Some of the things I want to remember about this time are:

- You love to put puzzles together and play with your new kitchen. You will make us coffee and pour it in our cups.   
- Grandma taught you all of our names this month. You know Mommy’s, Daddy’s, Grandma’s, Grandpa’s, Nana’s and Papa’s.
- When we ask you what your name is you say “Brennen Scott Robie”. It is adorable!

- You love playing with your “choo, choos”. You got a train table from Grandma & Grandpa for Christmas and you can’t get enough of it!
- You had some sort of stomach bug this month and have not been eating much at all, but your appetite seems to be coming back!
- You were definitely a mama’s boy when you were sick. You just wanted me to hold you and sit and watch Mickey.

- You are still talking all the time and you get this high pitched, squeaky voice every now and then that just makes me laugh.
- You like to do things on your own, especially feed yourself.
- You can officially count to 10 and say a lot of your ABC’s.  You just start randomly counting things. (You occasionally skip 3 and after 10 you say 12, 18. We’re not sure where this came from?)

- You still love reading books and now you will lay on your tummy to read and point to letters and say some of your ABC’s. You aren’t saying the right letters or anything, but it is still so cute!
- You LOVE to talk on the phone!  Whenever the phone rings you say “talk, talk”. You will say “hi mommy” or whoever you are talking to, then tell us what you are doing, then say “love you, bye”.  And you don’t put up a fight to give up the phone which is wonderful!
- You love driving by the trains on the way to Grandma’s house and you always say if they are moving or not and you say “Brian”. Grandma always tells you that Uncle Brian works with the trains so you always remember that.

- You insist on eating all of your snacks out of a bowl. Even if I give you a cookie, you will ask for a bowl to put it in.
- You still take one nap a day, usually around 1.5-2 hours.  You sleep great through the night and average about 11 hours (8:30pm-7:30am).
- You have quickly grown out of your 18 month shirts and we have started putting you in 24 month shirts.  You are still in 18 month pants because you are so skinny.  24 month pants are huge on you. I weighed you at Grandma’s the other day and you were 23 lbs. You are still in size 4 diapers and size 6 shoes.

I think we are entering another phase of the tantrums and throwing fits.  The last few days you have been fighting us during diaper changes and getting dressed and you are becoming much more ornery. I hope this is a very short phase and you are back to your normal, sweet self soon!

I love you so much my sweet boy and I look forward to watching you grow and change each day.  You amaze me everyday with how much you are learning!  You are my everything!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

A New Year

Hope you all had a wonderful new year!  I know it is already 10 days past, but I just can't believe it is already 2013!  2012 was such a wonderful year and we have so much to be thankful for. 

I have a wonderful husband who I adore and who makes me laugh everyday!

We have an amazing little boy who makes us appreciate life and has shown us love like we never thought possible!

We are so blessed to have wonderful family and friends surrounding us.

I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us! 

We have started the year off with some home improvment in hopes to get our house sold this Spring. (Sneak peek below, but more on that soon including more before and after pics!) We have been working hard to organize and will try to drop the price for a few months before putting it on the market with a realtor.  Our goal for this year is to save money and try to move to a new house to have more room.  Altough we have loved our house, we have definitely outgrown it.  We are out of space, and with Brennen and the two dogs there just isn't enough room for us all!  We have to have more room before we can add to our family :)

Here is some of what we have been up to so far in 2013!

A sneak peek of our laundry room renovation...the new floor!

Brennen supposed to be going to bed but being a silly boy!
Daddy working on shooting form with B...true basetball coach at work!
My mom sent this pic to me the day I had to go back to work after the holidays. It made my day a little easier to get through :)
Love relaxing with my little man
B helping Mommy pick out paint colors
Poor boy has been hit with a bug, but he is always still in a pretty good mood!
We took advantage of some nice weather to walk the dogs and get B some fresh air
I hope this year is filled with wonderful things and can't wait to share it with all of you!

Happy New Year!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Christmas Day 2012

We woke up Christmas morning and had a few hours to let Brennen open his gifts at home and to take it easy before we headed over to Ryan's parent's house to have Christmas with them.

Opening his gift from his Great Nana
Money! B loves to put $$ in his piggy bank!

Brennen with all his that smile!
After we showered and got ready, it was time to head over to Nana & Papa's house to have Christmas with Ryan's family.

Do you think these boys are spoiled?!
Opening stockings

Sarah & Chris
All ready to open gifts
Landon with his gifts
Caden with all his gifts
Brennen's kitchen was a big hit!

We had such an amazing Christmas and are so blessed to have such wonderful families!