Three of Us

Three of Us

Monday, December 31, 2012

Let it snow, let it snow, let it SNOW!

On Thursday, December 20th it snowed for the first time this season.  Ryan had a snow day and I had the day off so we decided to take Brennen out to play in the snow.  We didn't stay out very long but I don't think Brennen was a big fan of the snow!

He looked excited at first!
Then he fell and it was all over :(

We tried playing on the slide...
Daddy made a snow angel

but he was done! 
It was extremely windy and cold, so I don't blame him for being upset.  Hopefully next winter he will be ready to go sledding with Daddy!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Brennen 20 Months Old

Brennen is 20 months old today. It is so hard to believe that in 4 short months he will be TWO years old!  How is this possible??  He is such a wonderful baby and a joy to be around.  He lights up our world!  

A few things about this time I want to remember are:

- You are putting words together all the time and try to talk in sentences.
- You repeat everything we say!
- You are growing taller everyday. ( I can tell b/c your pants are turning into high waters!)
- You know what you want and will throw a fit when you don’t get your way.
- Uncle Dustin cut your hair short this month and I love it!
- You went to see Santa for the first time this year and you screamed and cried when you sat on his lap.
- You are a very caring boy. You will snuggle with your stuffed animals (especially your dog Browny).
- You are still in 18 month clothes, size 6 shoes and size 4 diapers.

I love you more and more everyday my sweet boy!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Back in Business!

Well, thanks to another blog I follow who was going through the same thing, I figured out a way around not being able to upload any pics!  I just had to log in as another user. So we are back :)

Here's some of what we have been up to since my last post...

You can always find B watching Mickey EVERY chance he gets!
We have to make sure he does other activities so he's not glued to the TV
We helped Grandma & Grandpa decorate their tree with some help from Uncle Chris
B showing me his ornament with Santa!
I bought B the little people nativity scene and decided to have it set up one day after his nap. His favorites are Baby Jesus and the Donkey!
B got another early Christmas gift...he must be a really good boy!
Thanks Auntie Kay! We love it :)
This is B rocking his dog Browny!
Family dinner at Hibachi...B loved the ice cream and cried at the first fire that shot up.
Baby Shane is at Children's Mercy with RSV, so we went to visit him. Poor baby!
He got quite comfy and finally fell asleep in my mom's arms!
This week we are busy getting prepared for Christmas.  We have our first Christmas tomorrow night, then our cookie decorating party on Thursday with all the kids.  Should be a fun week, but I still can't believe Christmas is a week from today!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Visiting Santa

Brennen visited Santa for the first time this year last Thursday.  For a little comparison, here he was last year meeting Santa for the very first time.

Dec 2011 - 8 months old
My mom, cousin Sheila and her baby Shane, my cousin Shannon and her kids Carson &Avery and Brennen & I headed to Crown Center. 

We went to see Santa first hoping the kids would be good since they weren't tired or hungry quite yet.  They all did pretty good.  Carson & Avery went first and Avery was not quite sure what to think about Santa.

Carson told Santa what he wanted!
Watching Avery with Santa, Brennen immediately laid his head down on my shoulder and grabbed me and said "No".  He was not looking forward to meeting the big guy.  I took him up there and handed him off and well, this was what we got...

Poor boy was not happy with me, but it's a cute picture anyway! Maybe next year will be better!

Santa really loved Baby Shane!  He was so cute loving on him and Shane was such a good boy.

After playing for a little bit, we headed over to Fritz's for some lunch. Brennen is obsessed with "choo choos" right now, so he loved eating there. 

After getting our bellies full, we headed outside to let the kids play on all the fun toys.  It was a little chilly out so we didn't stay out very long.

They also had a train display at Union Station so we decided to walk over there.  Brennen absolutely loved this exhibit and we decided we need to take Daddy down there sometime soon to show him all the trains. I have pictures of this, but I have reached my limit for Blogger on how many pictures I can upload. I need to figure out what we are going to do next, so I'll be back once I figure this out!

I can't believe Christmas is 2 weeks from today! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Uncle Dustin = Brennen's Barber

I have waited way too long to get Brennen's hair cut and it has been driving me CRAZY!  I have always liked little boys to have short hair, but since it took B quite a while for his hair to fill in everyone was telling me not to cut it.  Well, it had gone on long enough and when my brother told me he had his own clippers since he cuts his own hair, I told him he needed to cut Brennen's! I had made an appointment for this Saturday for Brennen to go see my friend Jillian who has done all of his other hair cuts, but I couldn't wait any longer! 

I am in LOVE with his short hair.  He looks so much older! I have to say Dustin did a great job with him.  He was very patient considering we did this around Brennen's bedtime! 

Before...this is what I was dealing with!
The Barber
...and his assistant, Meg!
Using the iPad for some distraction!

After...SO much better :)
One happy mama!
Thank you Uncle Dustin!!
So handsome!
One of the first things Brennen said this morning when he woke up was "haircut, Dustin".  So sweet!  That must have been what he dreamt about!